Superior Double - Rooms - Sun Spring Resort
Room Superior Double
Please call 03-988-7979 #5 to book today!

Original Rate:NT$5,800
Discounted Rate:Holiday NT$4,200
   Non-holiday NT$3,480
Please note:
1. Checkout time is 11 AM. You room is ready at 3 PM.
2. Hotel guests are entitled to the free use of naked spa pools and public spa pool.
3. Each guest is entitled to a free breakfast.
4. Sun Spring Resort reserves the right to change room rate without notice.
5. "Holiday" means Saturdays and national holidays.
6. Room rate is subject to change on special holidays such as the Chinese New Year break.
礁溪山泉大飯店 Sun Spring Resort

Sun Spring Resort Co., LTD.
地址:26241 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路六段36號
No.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Town ship, Yilan County, Taiwan

客服電話:03-988-7979 分機 5 訂房組
網站維護: Michael Wen. 歡迎在 臉書 找到 Michael
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